Monday 6 December 2010


Their views were discussed as below:
*      Understanding of the instructions from a person whom you know is an excellent form of message delivery method because it is easier and can be generalized accordingly. It is one of the most influential form of instruction delivery about a subject.
*      It leads to better communication and better following of the concept and can be seen as a chain system in message transformation.
*      The effectiveness of the message is highlighted through these social marketing campaigns.
*      It is a rapid and effective means to create mass awareness amongst the people about a particular subject.
Hence, there was a positive response from 15 out the 16 participants in following this type of information through a friend or a person who is already known to you.
In response to visuals shown to the participants, people wearing mask had a negative response while washing and drying hands and using handkerchiefs had a positive response from majority of the participating participants.
After all the discussions about the pandemic preparation measures, 13 out of the 16 participants had a  positive response in following the instructions given after this social marketing campaign carried out in a form of a group discussions. They agreed to remember and follow the instructions given in the discussions about communication and preparation strategies in a future influenza pandemic scare.
Therefore, these discussions show that if the social marketing campaigns are deployed extensively during a pandemic outbreak, they could be more effective and the transformation of the message educating the mass population through these means would imbibe a behavioural change and a positive approach towards these alert situations in a faster way.    

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