Monday 6 December 2010


Hence, to carry out this research study a focus group method was applied where, and a group discussion was carried out amongst 4 groups of people, each group containing 4 students from different countries. The Time, date, method and venue of the data collection were previously decided and the amount of researcher participation was decided thereafter. The participants taking part in the Focus group was an observer and therefore negotiated an active participation in the range of activities carried out in the group discussions thereby setting up an open acknowledgement of this exploratory form of study (Kent, 2003). Qualitative research through focus group is one of the frequently used methodology in evaluation of such a social marketing campaign. According to the Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen (1988, 1991), the TPB theory helps in understanding the ways on how we can change the behaviour of the people because behaviour is often deliberate or planned. On the extension of the TPB theory, Behavioural attitude is incorporated when the measures of intensions and behavioural changes are compatible and expectations are realistic.
Hence, Four focus groups containing four students each were organized amongst the students from the Middlesex university Business school comprising of participants aged between 18 to 30 years. Both male and female undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the group discussions. The set of participants were students from different countries having cross cultural diversities. The group discussions were conducted in form of two phases wherein, in the 1st phase of group discussions, discussions were made on a pandemic          situation outbreak and the role and effect of influenza virus as a major pandemic threat as mentioned in the above literature review. The explanation discussed the various types and sub-types of the influenza strains and its impact on the global health population over the years considering the death ratios due to the global pandemic outbreak of influenza. The death rate graphs and the notable influenza pandemics over the years were explained and a layout of the strains of influenza viruses were graphically demonstrated. General practices, measures and the preparation strategy of the influenza pandemics were explained to all the participants participating in the focus group discussions.      

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