Monday 6 December 2010


In response to the 1st set of questions asked to the participants, all the members participating the group discussions were aware of the influenza pandemic scare through one or the other forms of media like television, internet, daily newspapers, public hoardings, Ngo’s or through government health regulatory bodies. Flu vaccinations were a common phenomenon in most parts of different country as influenza was one of the major pandemic occurrence over the years.
In response to the second question being asked about the practice of precautionary measures against a pandemic scare, 11 out of the 16 participants practiced basic remedial forms of safety measures as a part of clinical hygiene to a certain extent, but not in an exclusive manner.
Most of the students were not aware of the acute types and mode of transmission mechanism of the influenza virus and were keen to understand the phenomenon.
All the participants were aware about the general symptoms of the influenza infection. The common symptoms included   Fever, common cold , headaches and muscle aches as they had relative information about the influenza scare through media awareness.
14 out of the 16 participants in the group discussions did not have any of their friends or family members that were infected by influenza in the recent past. Two participants had  their family members that were infected by the influenza virus and therefore they did practice the basic forms of remedial and hygiene measures against the influenza flu. Since, Influenza has a communicable mode of transmission both the participants did follow the precautionary guidelines carefully.
Now in response to the second set of questions asked to all the participants, the participants were asked to express their views in a written format about how they see this form of social marketing campaign after understanding the basic preparation measures of an influenza pandemic scare.

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