Monday 6 December 2010

Reflective Overview.

Residential trip gave me the experience of how marketing is so different in different industries like a film industry, digital media industry as compared to the industry which I belonged to and gave me an added perspective to similar issues I faced in the professional practice. The case study task of residential made me develop critical evaluations of intangible aspects in a film industry which was the first instance of understanding those concepts. Also the experience of learning from colleagues during the execution of the group task was very useful as it is possible that in the coming professional career I will face situations where I have to deal with different people. The debates made us support our arguments with real evidences and I learned that sometimes just having an opinion is not enough. I learned how to make a presentation of a different company without mere pie charts and graphs showing the targets and turnovers of the previous quarters of a company. Also getting feedbacks of the presentation style was very useful as I could understand my strengths and weeknesses clearly.

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