Monday 6 December 2010


The threat of an influenza pandemic has a severe widespread public concern around the high economic class society as 1918 marked the beginning of  the influenza pandemic outbreak killing nearly 7,00,000 Americans and 40 million population worldwide. Thereafter, considering the historical experience 1918-19 i.e. Spanish flu, Asian flu in 1957 and Hong-Kong flu in 1968, several national plans with respect to pandemic influenza preparedness plans were constructed in the European countries with a common objective in achieving international harmonization in preparedness planning. The 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic outbreak had a clinical significance with regards to same symptoms as in 1957 and 1968 pandemic outbreaks and therefore, the disease had similarity with other pandemics as the damage was largely confined to the respiratory tract (Wolbach, 1919; Winternitz et al, 1920).In 1918, The most severely hit class of people concentrated amongst young age groups (Linder and Grove , 1943;Marks and Beatty, 1976; Rosenau and last, 1980).   

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