Monday 6 December 2010


Preparation of a pandemic plan is a pre-requisite to a nation’s self- defence mechanism in a course of a potential pandemic outbreak. Based on the principles of world health organization’s pandemic planning guidelines, several countries like New- Zealand and Australia have their planning programmes working with an objective to facilitate and co-ordinate effective national response to a pandemic alert. With the involvement of the District health boards, Public health units and other agencies, the preparedness level are subjected to WHO designed plans. Vaccinations and production of antibiotic vials are a key phenomenon in countries like France, UK, Netherlands, Romania, Italy and Germany. Other countries like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden have negotiated future plans for vaccinations and health care facilities.
With respect to the research study, Influenza will be taken as a possible pandemic outbreak example wherein social marketing campaigns can be designed to establish communication and precautionary strategy against it. The discussions will consider influenza as a pandemic and a detailed overview of Influenza is given below.   

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