Monday 6 December 2010

Reflective Overview.

In all the coursework we had to find relevant information from internet about the firm we are discussing about. We learned how to rate and select the information from reliable sources. The websites given in the course handbook were considered as the benchmarks and they were very relevant to the marketing strategies. Similar sources were found out and were utilised in the coursework. In the marketing plan, as we are not inside the company and we don’t have the internal perspective, it felt miserable and helpless that how one can proceed without relevant data. But extended search operation gave us very useful information about the company and its competitor. It will be very useful as an example for any future situation where we need to find information about competitors. The marketing plan was perhaps the most educative and conclusive coursework of all. It made me extensively think about all the phases of a marketing plan and how a better analysis in the first phase can be very much reflected in the second phase execution.
I thought many times that this course does only teach me theories and just increases my knowledge but as this module was very close to professional practice. It kept us busy all the time to think of the taught concepts and this was a very important difference between this module and other modules. I just think that seminars could be designed slightly better like and action learning set.
Overall completing this module gives me real satisfaction. It was also useful in other module’s coursework specifically consumer behaviour was easier to understand after we learned a lot of positioning in this module. While other modules also gave us real knowledge but might not be used depending on our choice of job, this will be very useful irrespective of our job titles.

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