Monday 6 December 2010

Reflective Overview.

Contemporary Marketing Strategy is a core module which has the contents which are very close to the industrial marketing practices. It follows a solid theoretical framework of the basics of the marketing concept. It followed an organisational approach where we started from as basic as “The Concept of Maketing Strategy and Planning” which made me feel comfortable as if we were starting from scratch and it is very necessary for people like me who come from a different background and first degree.  The modular design of the structure i.e. Situation Analysis, Strategy selection and Marketing Mix Programme helped in understanding the organisational view point to any present situation and the approach was missing during my professional practice. Now there is a clear understanding about from where to start with a marketing problem that was faced during the last quarter of the professional schedule as a marketing and sales engineer in a multinational firm. The range of information from various sources can now be better synthesized and into meaningful data that can help in the decision making process.
The lectures conducted were very helpful and easy going and involving. The interactions and the live examples which were discussed gave us an insight into the UK markets. Every theory supported by an example made it easy to understand in a better way. The examples given were accurate, but till the end of course, as many examples are famous in other modules too they seemed to be repetitive. The lecture also encouraged us to interact with faculty and clear our questions on the spot. The seminar classes just after the lectures were very helpful in practicing what we learned in the previous lectures and hence pushed our thought process.
The portfolio case studies were a very important platform to apply our theoretical knowledge to a situation of the company described in the case study. Interesting part was the selection of case studies in accordance with the learnt theories. It gave us the chance to directly link of the recent learnt theories and answer the questions. It felt in the beginning that it was like a comprehension to write answers in 1500 words and will not help anything than to gain marks. While solving the very first ones I learnt that there was a lot of reading and critical thinking of the situation to go into answering those questions. It pushed us beyond the theory and to start applying them which made the theories even more meaningful. The modular design was even significant in the case studies. “It was very important that in the process to achieve synergy, Weldon does not harm the entrepreneurial spirit” – a sentence from my answer to a J&J case study is expressive enough to say that I learned concepts as difficult as synergies between business units.

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